Monday, July 14, 2008



If we ask the science, it does has some very revolutionary explanation. If we rely upon the datas, it comes out that the earth’s magnetic field is declining at a certain percentage…the reason being that magnetism is dependent on velocity of EARTH’s CORE.CORE is made up of magnetic materials like iron, cobalt etc. When core revolves these materials are churned down producing magnetism…To our utter dismay the CORE is slowing down .What will happen next – the CORE will screech to a halt, earth’s magnetism will vanish and we would succumb to the wombs of time. THIS PHENOMENON OF ZERO GAUSS DIP WILL CAST A SPELL OF DOOM ON THIS PLANET.
The harmful ionized discharges coming from sun which don’t attack us due to formation of VAN ALLEN RADIATION BELT in upper atmosphere will fall off and we would be subjected to solar flares.The LIGHTNING THUNDERSTORMS which occur presently very infrequently will become the event of hour. Sky-rocketing towers, apartments, buildings will be reduced to rubbles. THE deadly CORONA DISCHARGE will make us a host of severe dermal apathies leading us to a painful death. Seas will be chocked with ships $ navigators as radars will become non-functional!!

That is quite sufficient to dismal LIFE's chances!!

Life in diff. forms is deeply affected by magnetism viz. movement of migratory birds,movement of sharks $ dolphins,people living on electromagnetic devices like pacemakers ,cell-phones and the list goes on….People on pacemakers wl b first affected by this .communication system wl crash . Death of migratory birds and sharks, dolphins wl b a common phenomenon.

Civilization wl b totally undone $ we wud head towards a new era.

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