Saturday, July 5, 2008

doom's day

If You come to know that the earth is going to meet its ultimate faith i.e. preparing for its would indeed like to crack a joke or wish to fulfill your last wish..
imagine...just imagine the moment, your calender explains that their is no more day to display! Indeed,it may have sounded like a joke a few years back, but now it does have some channels,internet,scientific journals etc. are selling the issue like a hot-cake...
The oldest $ most advanced civilisation MAYA CIVILISATION's calender expose this startling fact ...although this civilisation has been flooded in pages of history,but historians don't refute its claims considering it is the most progressive civilisation...According to this calender the life is going to vanish in DECEMBER-2012…but don’t worry there is some good news too…a new civilization will rise from the ashes. According to this calendar we are living in the final circle of time.


Harleen Singh said...

quite true.... even i think tht d earth's gonna get destroyed...but i think we still have a couple of yrs for tht.... i truly think tht this 2012 issue is unreal !

rockinsai said...

cumjmon guys if u start fearing abt d end den d world wud itselt be cool...i dewfinately believe i will live till india wins football world cup..he he he..

rockinsai said...

yeah..i am still alive..!!